Blender Bombs' Helen Hall On The 80x20 Rule

You guys know I’ve been using Blender Bombs for years now. If you didn’t know that, now you do. And if you don’t know what Blender Bombs are, allow me to give you a quick rundown.

Blender Bombs are compact balls of superfood health that you add to your smoothie or smoothie bowl to make it denser, therefore making it full of extra nutrition that keeps you fuller longer. In other words, they make your everyday smoothie a true meal replacement! They’re offered in a variety of flavors, all of which are delicious but the Mint and Cacao is my favorite. I use it with spinach, unsweetened almond milk and a banana, and top that sucker off with some cacao nibs. It’s heaven.

Each bomb is a combination of the following, plus or minus a few ingredients: almonds, organic dates, pecans, ground flaxseeds, organic hemp seed, walnuts, organic chia seeds, pure organic honey, aloe vera, organic bee pollen, sea salt, cinnamon, pure vanilla extract. And that’s not all. The brand now offers a variety of products including granola, Bomb Butter (basically a replacement for peanut, almond, whatever butter), and Bomb Drizzle WHICH IS THE BEST I’VE EVER HAD (incredibly stripped down ‘syrups’ for your smoothies, ice cream, yogurt, whatever!).

The parent company is called Hushup X Hustle and was created by Helen Hall, a Georgia gal who went to USC and now resides in Charleston, SC. She’s built this company from the ground up, starting with Blender Bombs first and evolving the brand into so much more. She is essentially taking over the health world, and I’m here for it. After gaining 30 pounds in college, she started Hushup X Hustle to document her wellness journey and it took on a life of its own. Helen whole-heartedly believes in the 80x20 rule (eat clean 80% of the time, indulge 20% of the time), and I’m excited to feature her on the blog today with her guest post about not only how effective 80x20 is, but how it’s easier to accomplish than you think!

Take it away, Helen. And don’t forget to use my code EMMA10 for 10% Blender Bombs product!

Hey y’all! 

My name is Helen Hall and I’m the founder of Blender Bombs and Hushup X Hustle! I live by the 80X20 rule. That goes beyond food. I apply it in my work, my exercise, my relationship and friendships, and so much more. But, as for the food part, let me break it down and explain it to ya!



In my college days, when I wanted to lose weight, I turned to fad diets. You name it, I tried it. There was a lot of trial and even more error. After years of my weight fluctuating, I realized there is not one specific diet that works for everyone! News flash - every human being is different. We are all unique and have a different genetic makeup. This is why specific routines, jobs, relationships, etc. that work for you, might not work for your friend, sister or co-worker. The good old saying ‘comparison is the thief of joy’ is true in all situations. When we compare ourselves to others - especially when it comes to diet and exercise - and try to mimic exactly what someone else eats or does in a day, we often experience "failure”. Due to our unique genetic makeup, there are so many factors that play into your own weight loss and weight maintenance. Far beyond your weight and height, your metabolism, activity level, hormones, genetics, stress level, and sleep patterns each play a role. Through all my trial and error of fad diets, I noticed one thing: a diet is not sustainable, but a lifestyle is. That's why I preach the 80X20 rule. The 80X20 rule, which means 80% or more of your diet consists of whole, plant-based foods - and BB smoothies - duh!, works for nearly EVERYONE. I have seen incredible results from SO many different people. When sticking to an 80X20 lifestyle, you still have your freedom to enjoy the foods you like, but at just the right amount to prevent you from binge eating, gaining weight, and craving unhealthy foods. It allows for the perfect balance of fueling and feeding your body. 

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After my unwelcome weight gain and unfortunate yo-yo dieting, I learned the importance of fueling your body, not just feeding it. This would have been nice to know in college when I was hungry an hour after scarfing down an entire Papa John’s pizza....When I made the switch to the 80X20 lifestyle, I felt FREE. Previous diets and strict eating plans made me feel anxious and restricted. I would overthink my next meal and would crave, and I mean CRAAAAVE  junk food. I was so focused on the restrictions that I would skip dinners with my friends because there was nothing I could eat on the menu, or force myself to make the same plain, boring salad for every meal.  This is why 80% worked for me and will work for you too. This lifestyle, I repeat, LIFESTYLE, is easily obtainable while giving you the freedom you deserve. It leaves your body and mind feeling completely balanced. 80X20 is a lifestyle that keeps you full longer because you are consuming earth-grown, fiber-filled, healthy meals and it gives you the tools to figure out what routine works best for you. 

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"RULES OF 80X20"

Now to the "rules" of 80X20. Really, there are no rules. That’s the beauty of this lifestyle. 80X20 just means eating at least 80% whole, plant-based foods and 20% is unique to you. It's what your heart craves but your body should only have in moderation. That could mean a decadent ice cream float, a cheesy pizza, a big savory omelet, and for those meat lovers, a nice juicy steak or a rack of BBQ ribs. For me, my weekly 20% makes up about 1-2 meals, sometimes more and sometimes less. I listen to my body while staying mindful of what it wants vs. what it needs.

Alternatively, if you're practicing a 100% raw foods vegan or completely plant-based diet, you’re probably following more of a 90X10 lifestyle. More power to you! If it works for you, and you’re happy, keep it up!


  • If going plant-based is completely new to you, start with a 70X30 lifestyle for the first 2 weeks before transitioning into an 80X20 balance. This will make the process a little easier.

  • If veggies are making you bloated, try drinking 16oz celery juice on an empty stomach for 2 weeks!

  • If you are new to the BB world, use code EMMA10 because who doesn’t love a discount??

It honestly works, I promise. You got this!


Helen Hall

