My Green Warby Parker Glasses

Fun fact: I have always wanted glasses. The fact that I was “blessed” with 15/20 vision has been beyond frustrating for me since I was young enough to appreciate the style a fabulous pair of glasses adds to one’s look and overall magnetism. Any time I’ve gone to the eye doctor or done an eye test, I try so damn hard to screw it up, and it never works. They see right through me (pun intended).

So you can imagine my overwhelming joy when I realized a few months ago that I was legitimately straining my eyes while working on the computer. I’ve been on a computer for 8 hours a day basically since I joined the workforce, and it’s finally caught up with me. Not to mention, I feel like my screen time is astronomically more intense now because of working from home and both my double monitors and phone screen being the main event of every day. My eyes were truly hurting, text looked just a little blurry, and the clincher—I had to enlarge the font size on my phone. As soon as I did that, I called and made an eye exam appointment.

I had every doubt in myself and figured I was literally just seeing things, so I expected to be disappointed. Low and behold, THE DOCTOR SAW ME STRAINING! She let me know I could use the slightest bit of magnification to help my eyes out (-.25), but it wasn’t necessary if I didn’t want to go down that road. When I tell you I snatched up that prescription and sped to Warby Parker, you better believe it. THIS WAS MY MOMENT.

After trying on a bunch of different frames, I landed on these guys—the Della in the color Viridian, which is a very faded out turquoise that reads a lot more as green on my complexion!

I also got their built-in blue light blockers because a) why not add more protection for my little eyes? and b) their blue light blockers are high-quality and don’t look like a sickening yellow.

Happy shopping!

more emmas(fashion)thing