My Current Earring Stack

As of this past Friday night, I am now the proud owner of eight piercings. I’ve heard that getting tattoos is addicting. Well, so is getting your ears pierced, lemme tell ya. Plus, I’d been dying to visit the new Wildlike piercing studio in Dallas, which is amazing and the only place anyone should go for their next poke!

I got my lobes poked at the ripe age of 6 or 7 after throwing a literal tantrum at the jewelry store when my mom dared to surprise my older sister with ear piercing but not include her younger daughter (joke’s on me because she planned to say “AND YOU TOO, EMMA!” but I was already scream-crying at the front of the store. I was a joy).

After a stupid breakup somewhere around 2013/14/15, I decided to be a total rebel and get a double pierce on my right ear. I thought I was so hardcore. When Ellen saw me for the first time and noticed it, her initial response was, “So, when did you ruin your ears?” #thedrama.

The next year, I got a double piercing on my left ear. #fuckthepolice.

From there, I kept going back about once a year when the itch struck to add to my ever-growing, tiny little ear piercings. Working at rewardStyle didn’t help because literally everyone there had multiple ear piercings that showcased for me just how cool and classy and elegant multiple piercings could be with the right studs and hoops. And so the collection grew!

As of right now, I have three piercings in my right ear and five in my left. After I got my new conch piercing addition Friday, a lot of y’all requested a full earring stack breakdown, so that’s what I’m providing for y’all today!

on both ears

on left ear

All that +

Mini Lightening Bolt Stud (available here but also here for less)

Tiny Diamond Stud

I think I’m good for a while, but never say never…

Happy piercing!