How I Got My Very Sensitive Skin Under Control

Back in April, I was under a lot of stress. Self-induced, to be sure, but stress nonetheless. My skin has always been extremely sensitive, but not in terms of oily breakouts per se. Instead, it’s very sensitive to fragrance, botanicals, and really any sort of upper echelon skincare products. I rarely “breakout”—it’s more like I get random bumps and rashes?For years, I’ve kept it stupidly simple by using Derma E’s sensitive skin cleanser and moisturizer which worked for a long time until it didn’t. I would say I have combination skin, but it definitely leans toward the dry side, and I don’t know if they changed their formula or what, but suddenly the Derma E moisturizer was doing nothing for my face except leaving it thirsty (and no one likes a thirsty face).

So, in April, my mom pointed out that I had a lot of mysterious, microscopic bumps lining both sides of my jawline/lower cheeks. I also was breaking out heavily on my forehead, which hasn’t happened since I was 18 and birth control took care of that right away. Basically, my skin was running amuck and I was beyond frustrated. I was stressed about it on top of the stress of moving into my boyfriend’s house after living alone for 11 years, which resulted in my face doing this.

To some, it may look harmless. But I know my skin, and this was a reaction and situation for me. Something was wrong, and I needed to find out what. First, I went to the dermo who wasn’t very helpful? I’m sitting there, and she literally goes, “So what’s the problem because, from here, your skin looks perfect.” SHE DIDN’T EVEN TURN THE OVERHEAD LIGHT ON? It was wild. She said the bumps on my cheeks were most likely the bitch, Keratosis Pilaris, sneaking up from my arms onto my face. I bought that, but only for a second. She prescribed me some random face wash that I used a little bit but not religiously and Differin gel, which is like the OG of dermatologist-prescribed retinol HOWEVER, it’s now available OTC (Over The Counter for those that aren’t into pharma lingo)! Now, I have never used a retinol. They’re powerful and they scare me, so I’ve always steered clear. But this one came as a referral from a doctor (albeit a doctor who told me my skin looked perfect when it clearly didn’t but a doctor nonetheless), so I felt better about grabbing a tube.

Then I went ape shit. If you’re into skincare or self care at all, you know the cardinal rule is you introduce new products That way, you can test and observe how your skin reacts to individual additions rather than using four new things at once, having a reaction, and having no idea which product caused it. But I was desperate, so after doing some very minimal Googling about “the best skincare products for sensitive skin,” I decided to take Renee Rouleau’s skincare quiz to find out what type of skin I have (which I KNOW is combination with a propensity toward dryness) then bought three entirely new products at once to try out. Not only that, but the skincare quiz told me I had oilier skin with a tendency to breakout sometimes WHICH IS NOT TRUE? But I didn’t care. I felt the skincare goddesses knew something I didn’t, so I didn’t blink twice and bought face wash, toner, and moisturizer.

So there I was with a mess of skin and four new products I was about to introduce all at once (Differin gel and Renee Rouleau face wash, toner, and moisturizer). I was to use all the Renee products twice daily, and put the Differin gel on every other night (according to the dermo who basically waved me off). I’m not one to typically follow rules, but my skin was on the line, so I did exactly that.

Within the first two weeks of this new routine, my skin completely cleared up. It was basically like I shed a new skin (but I didn’t actually shed). I was amazed. My skin hadn’t been that smooth since I was a baby, and I was elated with the quick results. But then things took a turn for the irritated and red and dry and peeling. We jetsetted to Chicago to visit my sister and the babies and, while there, my new skin turned on me quickly. As soon as we landed, my eyelids started to feel extremely itchy and, as the weekend progressed, it got even worse, spreading to my cheeks. I wanted to believe it was from flying, but my skin has never reacted like that to the skies. I knew it was one of the FOUR NEW PRODUCTS I was using, but was fucked because I started them all at once and had no idea which one was the root of the issue.

As soon as I got back to Dallas, I stopped using all four products for a handful of days. Maybe a week. Then, I started to slowly reintroduce them, and the culprit showed itself: Renee Rouleau. Because they told me my skin was oily and I believed them even though it’s absolutely false, the products I had bought were filled with salicylic acid, which literally works as a drying agent against oily, acne-prone skin which, once again, I DON’T HAVE. So yes, it dried and cleared my skin right up but then backfired. I went back to Derma E for the time being, unsure of what the fuck to do next and how to fix the mess I had gotten my skin into. Then, two things happened at once. First, a no bullshit kind of lady I know wrote me and told me to get two CeraVe products to solve my skin issues. Second, I saw someone I love and admire deeply and trust implicitly (Harling Ross) say that she swore by the same CeraVe face wash this woman had suggested. Those were the only two endorsements I needed, so I was off to Amazon to order both (my local Walgreens didn’t have both in stock).

The face wash is CeraVe’s Hydrating Facial Cleanser, plain and simple. And yes, I got the value size (16 fluid ounces) because for $13, why the fuck not? The face cream is CeraVe’s Daily Moisturizing Lotion. These are the two skin changing products I’ve been using for the last month or so that have helped get my very sensitive skin under control. That’s it. Just these two. And here’s where we’re at today.

Side-by-sides are so much better, so let’s compare where we started in April to today, shall we?

I mean. The texture of my fucking skin is different (also, I DID buy these little face razors and started “shaving” my sideburns a bit, which helps)??? I will truly never be 100% sure what went so wrong in April that left my face feeling and looking the way it did—I’m just so glad that two very simple, very inexpensive skincare products exist that helped save my sensitive, dry-ish, NOT oily, NOT acne prone skin. I have started to VERY SLOWLY reintroduce the Differin gel, but use it once a week on Mondays. That’s it.

I don’t know what your skin sitch is, so this entire diatribe may have been completely unhelpful. Also, what worked for my skin may not work for yours, but I wanted to share nonetheless. It was a journey, and I thank you for coming along for the bumpy and then smooth ride!